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Fetches a copy of roster data from nflfastr's data repository. The same input/output as nflfastr's fast_scraper_roster function.





A numeric vector of seasons, earliest of which is 1999. TRUE returns all seasons, NULL returns latest season.


Data frame where each individual row represents a player in the roster of the given team and season


If you have any issues with the output of this data, please open an issue in the nflfastr repository.


# \donttest{
try( # try only shown here because sometimes CRAN checks are weird
  nflfastr_rosters(seasons = 2019:2020)
#> ── nflverse  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A tibble: 7,735 × 25
#>    season team  position depth_chart_position jersey_number status full_name    
#>     <dbl> <chr> <chr>    <chr>                        <int> <chr>  <chr>        
#>  1   2019 ARI   C        NA                              60 CUT    Jacob Ohneso…
#>  2   2019 ARI   C        NA                              53 ACT    A.Q. Shipley 
#>  3   2019 ARI   C        NA                              65 ACT    Lamont Gaill…
#>  4   2019 ARI   CB       NA                              27 SUS    Josh Shaw    
#>  5   2019 ARI   CB       NA                              30 ACT    Jalen Davis  
#>  6   2019 ARI   CB       NA                              33 ACT    Byron Murphy 
#>  7   2019 ARI   CB       NA                              22 CUT    Trevor Willi…
#>  8   2019 ARI   CB       NA                              26 RES    Brandon Will…
#>  9   2019 ARI   CB       NA                              NA DEV    Sojourn Shel…
#> 10   2019 ARI   CB       NA                              28 CUT    Deatrick Nic…
#> # … with 7,725 more rows, and 18 more variables: first_name <chr>,
#> #   last_name <chr>, birth_date <date>, height <chr>, weight <chr>,
#> #   college <chr>, high_school <chr>, gsis_id <chr>, espn_id <int>,
#> #   yahoo_id <int>, rotowire_id <int>, pff_id <int>, pfr_id <chr>,
#> #   headshot_url <chr>, fantasy_data_id <int>, sleeper_id <chr>,
#> #   years_exp <int>, sportradar_id <chr>
# }