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A cached table of Sleeper NFL players. Will store in memory for each session! (via memoise in zzz.R)




a dataframe containing all ~7000+ players in the Sleeper database


# \donttest{
try({ # try only shown here because sometimes CRAN checks are weird
  x <- sleeper_players()
  dplyr::sample_n(x, 5)
}) # end try
#> # A tibble: 5 × 39
#>   player_id player_name   pos     age team  status years_exp rotowire_id espn_id
#>   <chr>     <chr>         <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>      <int>       <int>   <int>
#> 1 2014      Laurent Duve… OL     31.4 NA    Active         8        9770   16958
#> 2 3679      Mario Ojemud… DE     28.1 NA    Inact…         0       11310      NA
#> 3 499       Connor Barth  K      36.2 NA    Inact…        12        5849   11737
#> 4 6231      John Lovett   QB     26.2 MIA   Active         3       14184 3118906
#> 5 8207      Tyler Goodson RB     21.6 GB    Active         0       15990      NA
#> # … with 30 more variables: rotoworld_id <int>, pandascore_id <lgl>,
#> #   stats_id <int>, yahoo_id <int>, gsis_id <chr>, sportradar_id <chr>,
#> #   swish_id <int>, fantasy_data_id <int>, high_school <chr>,
#> #   practice_participation <chr>, injury_status <chr>, fantasy_positions <chr>,
#> #   college <chr>, birth_date <date>, injury_body_part <chr>,
#> #   practice_description <chr>, birth_country <lgl>, height <chr>,
#> #   number <int>, weight <chr>, injury_start_date <lgl>, news_updated <dbl>, …
# }