Fleaflicker: Get Endpoint
Tan Ho
Creating custom Fleaflicker API calls
The Fleaflicker API
is fairly extensive. If there is something you’d like to access
that’s beyond the current scope of ffscrapr, you can use the lower-level
” function to create a GET request
and access the data, while still using the authentication and
rate-limiting features I’ve already created.
Here is an example of how you can call one of the endpoints - in this
case, let’s zoom in on the Fetch League Scoreboard endpoint, which is
used inside a few different ffscrapr
functions and
summarised in a few ways.
We’ll start by opening up this page, https://www.fleaflicker.com/api-docs/index.html#operation--FetchLeagueScoreboard-get, which is the documentation page for this particular endpoint.
From here, we can see that Fleaflicker’s documentation says the endpoint and parameters are:
GET /FetchLeagueScoreboard
- sport: string NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL NFL
(in query)
- league_id: integer (int32)
(in query)
- season: integer (int32)
(in query)
- scoring_period: integer (int32)
(in query)
The fleaflicker_getendpoint function already has the base url
encoded, so all we’ll need to do is pass in the endpoint without the
, and pass the HTTP parameters in as arguments to the
function (these are case sensitive!)
sport <- "NFL"
league_id <- 206154
season <- 2020
week <- 5
response_scoreboard <- fleaflicker_getendpoint("FetchLeagueScoreboard",
sport = sport,
league_id = league_id,
season = season,
scoring_period = week)
#> Using request.R from "ffscrapr"
str(response_scoreboard, max.level = 1)
#> List of 3
#> $ content :List of 3
#> $ query : chr "https://www.fleaflicker.com/api/FetchLeagueScoreboard?sport=NFL&league_id=206154&season=2020&scoring_period=5"
#> $ response:List of 9
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "response"
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr "fleaflicker_api"
Along with the parsed content, the function also returns the query and the response that was sent by the server. These are helpful for debugging, but we can turn the content into a dataframe with some careful application of the tidyverse.
df_scoreboard <- response_scoreboard %>%
purrr::pluck("content","games") %>%
tibble::tibble() %>%
tidyr::unnest_wider(1) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(c("away","home"),purrr::map_chr,purrr::pluck,"name") %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#> id away home awayScore homeScore homeResult awayResult isFinalScore
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 46301923 Winterf… Top … 207. 162. LOSE WIN TRUE
#> 2 46301919 Goldenr… Wint… 145. 157. WIN LOSE TRUE
#> 3 46301921 Wintert… Clut… 153. 192. WIN LOSE TRUE
#> 4 46301922 Manitob… Bame… 182. 183. WIN LOSE TRUE
#> 5 46301920 Springf… Shan… 176. 129. LOSE WIN TRUE
#> 6 46301926 Boomtow… Phil… 199. 200. WIN LOSE TRUE
From here, we’ll be able to feed these IDs into the FetchLeagueBoxscore endpoint https://www.fleaflicker.com/api-docs/index.html#operation--FetchLeagueScoreboard-get as the fantasy_game_id - and from here you’ll be able to get to player-level points and actual stat data for each fantasy game!
# same variables as previous endpoint call!
onegame_lineups <- fleaflicker_getendpoint(
sport = sport,
league_id = league_id,
# example for one call, but you can call this in a map or loop!
fantasy_game_id = df_scoreboard$id[[1]],
scoring_period = week) %>%
purrr::pluck('content','lineups') %>%
tibble::tibble() %>%
tidyr::unnest_wider(1) %>%
tidyr::unnest_longer('slots') %>%
tidyr::unnest_wider('slots') %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(c("home","away"),names_to = "franchise",values_to = "player") %>%
str(onegame_lineups,max.level = 2)
#> tibble [98 × 15] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> $ group : chr [1:98] "START" "START" "START" "START" ...
#> $ position :List of 98
#> $ positionColor :List of 98
#> $ franchise : chr [1:98] "home" "away" "home" "away" ...
#> $ proPlayer :List of 98
#> $ requestedGames :List of 98
#> $ viewingActualPoints :List of 98
#> $ viewingActualStats :List of 98
#> $ requestedGamesPeriod:List of 98
#> $ viewingFormat : chr [1:98] "TOTAL" "TOTAL" "TOTAL" "TOTAL" ...
#> $ viewingRange :List of 98
#> $ owner :List of 98
#> $ displayGroup : chr [1:98] "PASSER" "PASSER" "RUSHER" "RUSHER" ...
#> $ rankDraft :List of 98
#> $ lastX :List of 98
From here, you can keep unravelling - including the “viewingActualPoints” and “viewingActualStats” columns!